The Willow Court Project is a an ongoing collation and documentation of information regarding the Willow Court Mental Asylum. The projects stems from our original work over at
The purpose of The Willow Court Project is simple; it’s the provision of quality information that meets the needs of the public by being a one stop resource for “ALL THINGS” Willow Court.

My name is Nick and this website is a culmination of approx 6 years of work, exploring, and researching Willow Court and is an ongoing project.
I was not old enough to work at Willow Court; however I did work in the sector in a number of capacities for approximately 7 years. I have also had many roles within Willow Court since its closure that includes being an original Willow Court Committee member, advocate, film maker and stakeholder.
I was born and bred in New Norfolk. Having Willow Court literally on my door step and having family work there has provided me with a unique level of respect and admiration for the site and the people who lived and worked there.
By 2006, Willow Court was in an atrocious state of neglect, decay and destruction. The mere sight of this was enough inspiration for me to ignore the trespassers prosecuted signs and go deeper into bowels of Willow Court to try and document what’s left before it’s all gone.
My work has not been easy, and I have faced many obstacles along the way. Gathering information as sensitive as Willow Courts has been quite challenging. I have faced Trespass charges and personal & professional attacks on myself and employment however in my eyes it’s a small price to pay for a site that has such enormous historical and cultural importance to Tasmania.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the page in some way whether its information, stories and or support. Special thanks goes out to APIU in particular Glenn & Shaun Hevey for designing and developing the website.
Please join our facebook group and show your support for Willow Court.