Another Team Investigates Willow Court- TPA


Apart from Willow Courts resident group APIU there has been a total of at least 4 other Paranormal Teams (that I know of) that have investigated certain parts of Willow Court over the last few years. All Teams have recorded very interesting results confirming that Willow Court has some bizarre some might say Paranormal occcurances that can not be explained adding weight to the 100’s of Ghost Stories and accounts that have been told over the years, thus cementing Willow Courts place as one of the most Haunted Buildings in Australia by the Paranormal industry.

The lastest Investigation took place last night by Team Paranormal Australia who investigated the private Wards of Willow Court.


TPA gathered quite a lot of interest in this investigation and surpassed their goal of reaching 300 LIKES by midnight based on the fact that they were investigating Willow Court which they label as the most notorious haunted location in Tasmania…

Below is some live feeds that were posted on facebook from TPA last night.

” Team 2 radioed through that strange activity had been happening in the matrons quarters, possibility of equipment playing up but will review soon”

“Team 1 radioed in, Adz was feeling extremely sick in the morgue and had to leave”

* “We may intact have our first EVP without even reviewing! great catch Adz!”*

“Wow!!! Peeps if only you guys were there with us lastnight. Above all that has to be the most intimidating place I have ever investigated. The energy was so Extreme…Thank you for those that hit that like button and stayed with us live on the net : )”

It will be interesting to see what they have captured.