Archaeological Works Begin at Willow Court

From the 14/2/15 – 20/2/15 archaeology students from the Flinder’s University in Adelaide were in New Norfolk to begin their studies in the Derwent Valley and in particular Willow Court.

I had the pleasure of meeting the students and found the whole process quite exciting. I’m really looking forward to seeing the outcomes of their work and studies and how it can be used and shared with the community down the track.

Here is a brief wrap up from Assoc Prof Heather Burke

*“10 graduate archaeology students from the Department of Archaeology at Flinders University came to New Norfolk to complete an inventory of the Royal Derwent Hospital artefact collection that was begun in 2014. *

*The artefacts were collected at the end of the Hospital’s life (1996-2000) and document over 50 years of life in various parts of the hospital. The collection has been in storage and has been catalogued at least three times since 1996, but each catalogue contained a different total number of artefacts and there were three different numbering systems in use, making it difficult to track individual items. *

The archaeology students extended a catalogue begun by Council in 2014 and are comparing it to the catalogue completed in 2000 to document the condition of the artefacts and work out what has gone missing from the collection, or been added to it, since 2000.”