
Willow Court Ward description. List is below with all the information

  • Maps & Plans

    Search Plan

    Willow Court Map

    East/West Map

    (OLD) Lachlan Park Map

    Frescati Plan

    Barracks Map - 1888

    Willow Court Tree Map - 2004

    Royal Derwent Ward Plan

    This floorplan is the virtually identical for Wards 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 11.

  • Reports & Papers

    Remember the Children Booklet pt1 2011

    "Stories about the lives of young people in Tasmania last mental institution"


    Willow Court Business Development Plan (Final Copy) 2011

    "This report is about the future use of a number of heritage listed properties known as the Willow Court Barracks prescient at New Norfolk Tasmania. "


    OAK TASMANIA Willow Court redevelopment of the Barracks 2009 - 2012

    Progress Report Willow Court and Barracks precinct Consultancy 2010

    "A presentation by Malcolm MacDonald & Associated to the Derwent Valley Council."


    CPSU (UNION)- A Workforce that Delivered a Revolution 2010

    "A person and passionate examination of the 1980 - 2010 evolution of Government Services to our fellow Tasmanians with an intellectual disability by David Wareing, DHHS Senior OT."


    Susan Piddock- The New Norfolk Hospital for the Insane

    " Susan Piddock once again comes to our aid with another excellent piece, this time about the New Norfolk Asylum situated some 20 miles outside Hobart, Tasmania".


    Island Magazine- A Trip to New Norfolk, Emily Bullock (2008)

    "Less than 20 years ago, a trip to New Norfolk meant something very different."


    Willow Court Final Interpretation Plan 2006

    "To Develop a sustainable and vibrant tourism experience in the Barracks and Bronte precinct at the Willow Court Site."


    Willow Court Landscape Audit 2004

    "The Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens (RTBG) has produced an audit of the historical landscape of the Willow Court Precinct, New Norfolk under contract to the Derwent Valley Renewal Group, Valley Vision."


    Living In Living Out Expo 2000

    Expo that help inside Ward C in 1999. It includes audio from ex staff members. The Audio can be found in the media section of the website.
    Living In / Living Out The Royal Derwent Hospital, New Norfolk, Tasmania. A collaborative exhibition of sound, text and stereo images, drawn from the experience of work at the Royal Derwent Mental Hospital, and installed in the disused maximum security Ward C of Willow Court.
    (This audio can be found in Audio section of the website)

    Link Link 2

  • Briefs & Media Releases
    Willow Court Barracks Renewal Works Feb 2014 Media Release
                <h5>Willow Court Barracks Renewal Works June 2013 Media Release</h5>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>WCCSC Communication Brief Dec 2012</h5>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Willow Court Open Day Brochure</h5>
                <p>"The brochure that was used during the first few Willow Court Open Days."</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
        <div class="collapsible-header">Newspaper Articles</div>
        <div class="collapsible-body">
                <h5>The Mercury- Seared in their minds 18/8/13</h5>
                <p>"Some call it a house of horrors"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <a href="">Link 2</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Video out of this world 27/2/13</h5>
                <p>"Nick Jarvis, we have removed some content as suggested and we are open to suggestions and comments"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- Ghost Row on Willow Movie 25/2/13</h5>
                <p>"A Docco that investigates supernatural activity at Willow Court has come under question"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- Tunnel Vision 15/3/13</h5>
                <p>"Still a Mystery"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- Hospital Fires  tally riles- 17/11/11</h5>
                <p>"Firefighters say their sick of being called to blazes at the former RDH"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- Works reveal mystery tunnel- 17/11/11</h5>
                <p>"Calling for radar surveys of mysterious shafts that may lead to convict ear tunnel"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <a href="">Link 2</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Willow Court anger boils over 15/6/11</h5>
                <p>"Enough is enough"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Vandals run riot in historic Willow Court 4/5/11</h5>
                <p>"damaged caused by vandalism"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Derwent Valley Gazette- Ghost of a Chance to be Court in the act 2/3/11</h5>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <a href="">Link 2</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- Tough on Ghost Hunters  18/8/10</h5>
                <p>"DVC has imposed tough conditions on a group wanting to investigate"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Site Secure without world listing 11/8/10</h5>
                <p>"Willow Court missed off referral"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Willow Oval Outcry</h5>
                <p>"Council accused of back flips"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- Ghost Hunters  Tread eerie path 13/7/10</h5>
                <p>"Discover weather Willow Court is Australia's most haunted location"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Willow Court Vote on Agenda 5/10</h5>
                <p>"Ongoing controversy over transfer motion"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Anger at Willow Court Delay 14/4/10</h5>
                <p>"Appalled, Senator Christine Milne"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Fresh push for apology to Willow Court Residents 18/11/09</h5>
                <p>"Push for State Govt to apologies to people who suffered abuse growing up at Willow Court"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Labor vows to take on Willow 2009</h5>
                <p>"Labor pledged to take back Willow Court if re-elected."</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Audit Outrage</h5>
                <p>"Willow $$ waste claim"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Mercury- Feedback on Willow Court site 5/9/09</h5>
                <p>"A community based working party will help the DVC with redevelopment of Willow Court"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Adams slams buck pass tactics 2/9/09</h5>
                <p>"Council funds loss own fault'</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Mercury- Police hunt building attackers</h5>
                <p>"Fire that damaged the Admin Building will be subject to a criminal investigation"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Forum on Willow Courts Future 2009</h5>
                <p>"Rate payers will get their chance to have their say on the future use of Willow Court"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- Ward 7 Reduced to ruble</h5>
                <p>"Wreckers move in on Ward 7"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Developers Plans for Ward 7 on hold</h5>
                <p>"Mr Lynch decided to Heritage list Ward 7 when it was discovered the owner was seeking to demolish it."</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Gazette- New Willow Twist</h5>
                <p>"Development Committee Ditched"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- New Look at Willow Court</h5>
                <p>"Redevelopment... DVC looking to start again"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Mecury- Spruce Up Willow Court Leo Schofield 2008</h5>
                <p>"Given the beauty of its setting and the benign presence of the Derwent Meandering elegantly through the landscape, its a shame New Norfolk is not a prettier place."</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Sunday Tasmanian- Locked inside Ward C Willow Court 2008</h5>
                <p>"RIP Paranormal Team mysteriously locked inside Ward C"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- Nurses on Strike 9/10/00</h5>
                <p>"Jackson Removals, the people movers"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Gazette- Ghost Decks Nurse 4/3/1992</h5>
                <p>"Will ghost see jobs, ward go?"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <a href="">Link 2</a>
                <h5>The Mercury- Ghost Strife at Willow Court 25/7/91</h5>
                <p>"Fear of the unknown among staff"</p>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/2014/01/ghost-strife-willow-court.jpg">
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/2014/01/Strife-Ghost-willow-court.jpg">
                <h5>The Mercury- A Parents view 9/9/89</h5>
                <p>"Minister Censured"</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <a href="">Link 2</a>
                <h>Weekly Courier 21/6/1917</h>
                <p>Treatment of Mental Disease in Tasmania.</p>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/2014/01/willow-Court-1917-1.jpg">
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/2014/01/willow-Court-1917-2.jpg">
                <h5>Weekly Courier 19th July 1913</h5>
                <p>Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk.</p>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/2014/01/willow-court-1910-1.jpg">
                <h5>Weekly Courier July 1910</h5>
                <p>Picturesque Tasmanian Town!</p>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/2014/01/willow-court-1910-1.jpg">
                <h5>Weekly Courier 9/3/1907</h5>
                <p>New Norfolk Asylum for Insane, Southern Tasmania</p>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/2014/01/willow-court-1907-1.jpg">
        <div class="collapsible-header">Minutes</div>
        <div class="collapsible-body">
                <h5>Willow Court Conservation Special Committee Minutes.</h5>
                <a href="">Direct Link</a>
                <a href="">Nov 2013</a>
                <a href="">Oct 2013</a>
                <a href="">Sept 2013</a>
                <a href="">Aug 2013</a>
                <h5>Friends of Willow Court Minutes.</h5>
                <a href="">Direct Link</a>
                <a href="">March 2013</a>
        <div class="collapsible-header">Resources & Links</div>
        <div class="collapsible-body">
                <p>Below is a list of books that I recommend in regards to Willow Court and Royal Derwent Hospital. All these books are available at the State Library of Tasmania whether in the reference or loan section.
                    <br>There are more books available but I found these the most interesting and useful.</p>
                <a href="">State Library</a>
                <h5>Troubled Asylum. The history of The Royal Derwent Hospital”, written by R. W. Gowlland, 1996,c1981</h5>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/Troubled-Asylum-web.jpg">
                <br /><br />
                <h5>From darkness to light: a true story, Carleen Paul and Marian Klitzke, 2000</h5>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/darkness-to-light.jpg">
                <h5>Postcards from the asylum, Karen Knight, 2008</h5>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/postcards.jpg">
                <h5>The Story of Keith Carter, Jill McElwee, 1994</h5>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/keiths-story..jpg">
                <h5>Royal Derwent Hospital: Willow Court, Marion Geyssl, 2010</h5>
                <img class="responsive-img materialboxed" src="/content/images/RDH-marion.jpg" alt="">
                <h5>Royal Derwent Hospital, 1827-1977: sesqui-centenary celebrations, Fearnley, K. V, 1977</h5>
                <h5>Individual Patient/Staff Research</h5>
                <p>Are you researching a family member or friend who either lived or worked in Willow Court and you are after more information? If so below is some information I recommend you look into.</p>
                <h5>Family Search-</h5>
                <p>Family search contains a number of patient records ranging from 1843-1933.</p>
                <h5>Patient records, New Norfolk Hospital for the Insane, 1843-1933</h5>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h6>Year Range, Archival Number</h6>
                    <ul>1843-1933, HSD285/1/2526-2641</ul>
                    <ul>1843-1933, HSD285/1/2642-2777</ul>
                    <ul>1843-1933, HSD285/1/2778-2955</ul>
                    <ul>Abel, John-Baylis, Margaret HSD285/1/1-116</ul>
                    <ul>Beale, Percy-Brant, Henry HSD285/1/117-240</ul>
                    <ul>Briant, Maria-Cartwright Hilda HSD285/1/241-382</ul>
                    <ul>Casey-Coote, George HSD285/1/383-511</ul>
                    <ul>Cope, George-Davies Florence HSD285/1/512-622</ul>
                    <ul>Davis, Catherine-Dyre, James HSD285/1/623-742</ul>
                    <ul>Eager, Alice-Fisher, William Henry HSD285/1/743-853</ul>
                    <ul>Fishwick, Richard-Gersten, Gustavus HSD285/1/854-972</ul>
                    <ul>Gibson, David-Gurr, Mary Elizabeth HSD285/1/973-1073</ul>
                    <ul>Hackett, John-Hazlewood, Henry HSD285/1/1074-1209</ul>
                    <ul>Healey, Daniel-Houston, Charles HSD285/1/1210-1324</ul>
                    <ul>Howard, Bartholomew-Jones, George HSD285/1/1325-1466</ul>
                    <ul>Jones, Jane-Lambert, Edwin HSD285/1/1467-1577</ul>
                    <ul>Lancaster, David-Loring, Charles HSD285/1/1578-1698</ul>
                    <ul>Lovell, Claude-McLeod, Douglas HSD285/1/1699-1823</ul>
                    <ul>McLoughlin, Elizabeth-Miley, Lilian HSD285/1/1824-1963</ul>
                    <ul>Mill, William-Murrie, Johanna HSD285/1/1964-2099</ul>
                    <ul>Neil, Margaret-Parker, Thomasina HSD285/1/2100-2242</ul>
                    <ul>Parnell, John-Porter, Maria HSD285/1/2243-2370</ul>
                    <ul>Potter, Miriam-Riely, Thomas HSD285/1/2371-2525</ul>
                <h5>Genealogical Photography – Tasmania</h5>
                <p>A site of images, products and services to help you locate your Tasmanian ancestors in regards to Willow Court.</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Tasmanian Archives</h5>
                <p>The Archives Search catalogue provides descriptions of State and local government and private records including files, letters, manuscripts, maps, plans, photographs films and more. It contains information about the creation of this material to help you evaluate what might be relevant to your research.</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>
                <h5>Willow Court Facebook Group</h5>
                <p>We have over 1900 members many of which were ex-staff or patients. Members of this group are happy to assist and have helped many people with information  and connecting the dots. They are very professional. Please feel free to post a question on the site.</p>
                <a href="">Link</a>