FIRE- Ward 1 the latest to go


This article is from NEWSNN

NEWSNN states “FIRE has destroyed the second-last of the 1950s-era wards on the former Royal Derwent Hospital site. The brick building was gutted late light night.

Ward 1 was one of the first two buildings erected in 1957 when the hospital embarked on its landmark rebuilding program that completely modernised mental health care in Tasmania.

Vacant for some years, the building was last used as an annexe of Claremont College. The tragic process of wiping Royal Derwent from the map is almost complete and we should hang our heads in shame.”


Man I’m so furious about this latest fire. I wish I had went in there one last time before this happend.

**I hope the fire bug is caught. I guess Ward 12 will be the next one to go. I wonder if it will be in a few weeks like last time?? **

Here is a video of Ward 1 taken earlier this year.