Night Tours, Ghost Tours, Paranormal Investigation Experience: Could something like this operate in Willow Court???

I’m not arguing the point either way at this stage but just wanted to start planting a seed in people minds about such a venture at Willow Court especially after the recent success of Port Arthur’s New Paranormal Investigation Experience which won the 2012 Tasmanian Tourism Award for best new Tourism development.

Dr Jones Port Arthur Chairman had this to say  about the paranormal Experience “While visitor numbers and revenue have been down, requiring us to do more with less, we have remained focused on delivering a great visitor experience at Port Arthur as well as innovating and introducing exciting new product offerings,”.

“We are particularly delighted that our Port Arthur Paranormal Investigation Experience has been recognised. It has been a notable success since its launch last February. The monthly Tours have been running at or near capacity throughout the winter, and we are now at the point of needing to add additional tours to meet demand.”


Port Arthur charge $125 per adult for the Paranormal Experience which is in addition to the Ghost Tours which is $25 per adult.

 In the First instance Willow Court could not demand such a fee but if and when a similar tour is developed and established there is no reason why Willow Court could not expect something similar given its older than Port Arthur, its history rivals Port Arthur’s, and I would argue has more paranormal reports than Port Arthur.

That’s quite a bit of money that could go back into the Willow Court Restoration fund.

Anyway just some food for thought, it would be great to start off with some night tours and work our way up.
