Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet


This weeks photo’s of the week come from Jocelyn Parry- Jones. Jocelyn took some great photos during the recent Derwent Valley Autumn Festival- Willow Court Open Day. I have uploaded 2 links one to her redbuble account and the other to her facebook page to check out more of

April 18, 2011

It has been CLAIMED by the Mayor from a meeting with the Premier yesterday that they will go through with their promise made during the election campaign to take over Willow Court by July 2011. More info as it comes to hand………………….   Attached is a bit of background info from

December 22, 2010

Hi SIX Councillors last night endorsed a plan to negotiate the transfer of the whole of the Willow Court site back to the State Government. Council Vote  The Council accepted an amended motion from Councillor Bromfield as follows:  1.that Council negotiate with the Government to transfer the whole of

May 27, 2010