The below article is the final result of a UTAS Media student's final assessment for the semester. The task involved writing a 1,700-word feature article on a subject of our choosing. Now a bit of background on the article. Georgia wrote the article in a way that

This weeks photo’s of the week come from Jocelyn Parry- Jones. Jocelyn took some great photos during the recent Derwent Valley Autumn Festival- Willow Court Open Day. I have uploaded 2 links one to her redbuble account and the other to her facebook page to check out more of

7pm TV News TAS | Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:43:00 +1100 | Duration 2m 1s Paranormal investigators are checking out claims of supernatural happenings at Australia’s first mental asylum at New Norfolk north-west of Hobart. I have found the ABC piece they played on Saturday Night, there is no

Hey Check out my latest video walthru taken at the November 2010 Willow Court Open Day.

The Derwent Valley Players are a small troupe of thespians – some have suggested “world class” thespians LOL! – based in New Norfolk, Tasmania, Australia. Our main base is the New Norfolk Memorial Hall in Circle Street, although we have made outdoor performances for the New Norfolk Autumn Festival, including night performances