Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet


I have posted this info for those who don’t purchase the Derwent Valley Gazette. This article was published in last weeks edition. This info is from: http://www.damianbester.com/ Report from your Councillor Damian Bester. DVC has offered a contract of sale to one of 4 tenderers it

October 15, 2010

The Derwent Valley Players are a small troupe of thespians – some have suggested “world class” thespians LOL! – based in New Norfolk, Tasmania, Australia. Our main base is the New Norfolk Memorial Hall in Circle Street, although we have made outdoor performances for the New Norfolk Autumn Festival, including night performances

September 06, 2010

The book “Opening Doors” will be based on a collection of stories told by people who had direct experience of life in Tasmania’s mental institution in the last fifty years. We anticipate publication of “Opening Doors” in 2010 and hope that these personal stories will contribute to greater recognition

June 17, 2010