Ward 5 Ghost Re-appears???


Over the past few weeks it seems as if Winston or another ghost may be starting to make a re-appearance in Ward 5.

APIU had pretty much ruled out any Paranormal Activity still residing in Ward 5 believing that the spiritual cleansing in the 1990’s may have helped Winston move on.

However several people at the Open Day were very adamant that the ghost they witnessed in Ward 5 would have not moved on. We took this info on board and hoped he was still there but weren’t holding our breaths.

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Account from Aiden Sullivan, Lead Investigator for APIU

13 December 2010 (7pm)

Aiden went for a jog around RDH and to suss out the damage that occurred to Ward 9 after this week’s fire.

Below is Aiden’s account.

I was walking through ward 5 to gain access to the Royal Derwent hospital site, as I exited the ward I hear a massive male yell. It was 7.00 in New Norfolk so no one was around and the voice came from inside the ward. So I checked out all thee ward. No one was in there. I couldn’t make out what it said.”

Keep in mind Aiden has been investigating the paranormal for a number of years, and had been inside Ward 5 dozens of times with no reports of paranormal activity apart from a few sketchy tapping noises. Aiden uses a scientific model for Paranormal Investigation which includes ruling out environmental factors, I do not believe Aiden would name this report as Paranormal if he exhausted all other possibly explanations.

Aiden said even though he heard that noise he felt comfortable inside Ward 5, but so did the nurses on Ward 5 before Winston threw one of them to the ground and tried to choke and possibly possess them.


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Account from Justin M- Late Nov 2010 (mid afternoon)

We had just finished being in Ward C and decided to head down to the RDH site. As we drove in I noticed a car parked at the front gate where the truck usually parks. We drove in and parked the car out the front of the child care center as to not draw attention to us. We walked up to the gate at Ward 1 and realized that we could not get the pram through so decided to head to Ward 5 and found the same obstacles. Me and a friend of mine entered through the door near the gate that the truck parks at.

As soon as we walked in I felt this strange feeling in my legs, like an energy pulsing in my calves (similar to restless leg syndrome). This lasted for about a minute or two and then faded. I told my mate about it but he said he felt nothing. We moved around the building just taking random photo’s and as we moved up the (I guess) the main corridor I noticed an old wash bowl with a pair of yellow and blue woolen booties inside. I chose to take booties out of the bowl to take a photo (as I just thought it was funny that the ward is half demolished but the wash bowl and boots were inside the ward).

My friend and I proceeded to walk around the ward and take photos of the artwork inside. As we moved about the ward we heard a rustling sound in the rafters which turned out o be a feral black cat. We left the building by the back entrance where the (I Guess) staff car park and took more photos out side. We then retraced our steps and moved back into the ward. As we were walking up the main corridor I heard a car engine start and realized it was the car at the front gate leaving I also noticed that the booties were back in the bowl. When we left the building to take photo’s outside we were only gone for about 5 minutes. I cannot say if the other people around moved the booties or the black cat we saw did, but I know what I felt.”



There wasn’t a big window of opportunity for someone to go back in move the booties and leave without Justin noticing them from the outside the Ward, And why would they do this??

If anyone has any info on this please contact me.

Could Winston be making a return, could the latest fire at RDH be the final straw and he is ready to stand up and fight?


What’s your thoughts?


Nick J