Allonah- what a Ward! Earlier this day before the video you are about to watch, I stumbled across an open door leading into Allonah. Now this was a big deal for us. Allonah is a high security ward meaning its hard for anyone to get in or out and over

Wow!!! The guys at New Norfolk Distillery have revealed their plans for a 15 Million Dollar 22 room boutique hotel on the former Allonah Ward at Willow Court. Not in my wildest dreams could I imagine staying a night in a boutique hotel in the old Allonah ward after sipping

GO-SLOW URGED FOR WILLOW COURT PLANS EXPANSION Plans at the historic Willow Court site may have hit a hurdle with the Derwent Valley Council being urged to delay decisions about the precinct’s future. This week’s Derwent Valley Council meeting agenda reveals plans by the multi-award-winning Agrarian Kitchen to