I didn't have the opportunity at the time to document or post some pics from the After Dark Tour that was held on the 10/12/16 as the website was being re-developed. So here it is, just some random photos our team took. Stay tuned for news

THE 2017 Pollie Pedal commenced in New Norfolk yesterday morning, for Government House in Hobart. The day started with an early-morning tour of Willow Court to learn a little of the convict history of the site, as well as a sneak peek of Rodney Dunn's restaurant development (Agrarian

At last Thursdays Council meeting APIU spoke to Councillors about last years After Dark Tour and the plan to hold several more tours in future. Council responded very favorably and seemed quite intrigued with the details of the tour and the positive reviews received from several patrons. Council even encouraged

After the raging success of the First Ever Willow Court Barracks Precinct Tour on the 10 Dec 2016 APIU are at it again. We have a proposal with the Derwent Valley Council to run several more of these tours throughout 2017. We are looking forward to showcasing the site further

Well it’s been a very busy 2 weeks for APIU ever since the “Council Hires Real-life Ghost Hunters” piece aired on ABC News (TV) last Saturday Night (19/2/11). http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/02/22/3145449.htm?section=justin The wording of the News