The Royal Derwent Hospital The First 10 Years 1968 -1977. I think I first met Lyell at his house in 2013 when he first started working on his book. I went to his place to show him the ECT Machine that I had from Willow Court/Royal Derwent Hospital and

The authors would love to see you at the launch of this interesting collection of contemporary poetry written by Krane Knight and Liz McQuilkin, published by Walleah Press. Renovating Madness will be launched by Margaret Reynolds at the Hobart Bookshop on Wednesday 12th December at 5.30pm. This is a

Ever wanted to own your very own copy of Troubled Asylum, well here is you chance. Up for grabs is a 2nd Edition soft cover version of the rare, sought after book. Troubled Asylum by R W Gowlland (2nd Edition) $175 Glenorchy, Tasmania Troubled asylum : the history of the Royal