I was lucky enough to purchase this tablet that marks the opening of the new additions to the Administrative Block at Lachlan Park Hospital. The Tablet has different 2 Premiers names on it (Cosgrove and Reece) along with some very well known Doctors in the Mental Health area in Tasmania.

Today I was given 3 Lachlan Park Hospital brass buttons someone found in a charity shop for a ridiculously low price. The buttons would date to the late 1930s. The buttons were made by Stokes & Sons Melb. The lady has a few other buttons she is keeping hold for

Today on Under the Microscope we are going to look at a segment that teaches you a little bit about some of the Wards that were lost due to demolition which I'm sure most people did not know existed. A quick look at some of the absolutely beautiful

Lachlan Park Additions NEW OFFICES FOR STAFF READY Article taken from- MERCURY- MONDAY APRIL 22 1940http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/25798805 Opened Today Budding Improvement plan at Lachlan Park Hospital, New Norfolk -a modern administrative block will be opened today by the Premier (Mr. Cosgrove). The new