Approximately 2 weeks ago I posted about a 2nd edition copy of Troubled Asylum for sale on Gumtree. Not long after posting the copy was sold. If you missed out on the opportunity, today is your lucky day. Another copy has surfaced this time on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/

Ever wanted to own your very own copy of Troubled Asylum, well here is you chance. Up for grabs is a 2nd Edition soft cover version of the rare, sought after book. Troubled Asylum by R W Gowlland (2nd Edition) $175 Glenorchy, Tasmania Troubled asylum : the history of the Royal

I was contacted recently from a lady stating that she had a Royal Derwent Hospital Electronic Convulsive Therapy (ECT) machine that she bought at Auction some time ago. She informed me that the Auction in which she bought it from labelled it as a ECT machine from Royal Derwent Hospital.

Agenda Thursday, 18th January 2018 7.2 Cr Bester – Legal advice for Oval Buildings That the General Manager report to the February meeting with independent legal advice regarding the Council's options to either complete the sale of the property at Willow Court known as the "Oval Buildings&