Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet

Contact Person Nick Jarvis

With news or any kind of update on the Tunnel going cold over the last few months since the uncovering of the tunnel video in March, I thought it was about time to investigate whats been happening at Council with regards to the tunnel. What I was informed by one

July 06, 2013
Contact Person Nick Jarvis

OMG this video is amazing, I love the various designs of the tunnel you see thru the video play back. Some look in excellent condition despite being derelict and 8m below the road in some points. Super Excited about this video, now there is solid un-disputable evidence we need to

March 16, 2013
Contact Person Nick Jarvis

Media Release http://www.newsnn.net/2013/03/new-norfolk-tunnel-unearthed.html Derwent Valley Mayor, Martyn Evans, was very excited today with the release to Councillors of a video of historic tunnels that run under New Norfolk. “There has been speculation for some time about tunnels running under our town, the video

March 15, 2013