Under the Microscope- Willow Court Project
Under the Microscope- Willow Court Project
Let’s kick this segment off with a quick look of what is hiding under the History tab of the website starting with Ward descriptions.
Ever wanted to know the name of the Ward you are looking at, or when it was built etc.? Then this section is for you.
To make it a little easier the website breaks Ward descriptions down into what was more recently known as the Willow Court side and the Royal Derwent Hospital side.
The Ward descriptions can be found under the history tab.
For today's example let’s look at Willow Court Ward Info.
Hover over the History tab at the top of the page and click on Willow Court Ward Info. Next you will see a page full of Ward names and dates.
By clicking on any one of the names it will bring up some information, pictures and sometimes a video of the ward.
The same principal applies if you’re looking for Royal Derwent side Ward descriptions.
For a quick look at what I’m talking about here is the link: https://willowcourtproject.com/ward-descriptions/