Contact Person Nick Jarvis

Businesses Operating in Willow Court (2012)


I heard about at least 2 business running out of the privately owned Wards of Willow Court excluding the Antiques Center, Willow Court Motel and Patchwork Cafe. But a recent post in New Norfolk News confirms that are several more business now operation out of the old Nurses Home, and another is on the way.


That’s awesome news for Willow Court and the Derwent Valley ( LOL maybe not so good paranormal investigators)


To read the New Norfolk News article please click here:

Present Businesses on site:

*** Willow Court Antiques Centre –**

*** Willow Court Motel –**

*** Olive Tree –**

*** Patchwork Cafe** –!/pages/Patchwork-Cafe/154020787968073

*** Patchwork in the Willows – **!/pages/Patchwork-Cafe/154020787968073

*** Touch of Earth –**

*** Morf Antiques (moving in soon) –**

*** Natasa Milenovic (Jewellery) –**

*** McH blacksmith** –

*** Willow Court Ghost Tours (presently not operating) –**!/groups/111785302231035/