Nick Jarvis Share Share ebay- 1908 5 VIEWS NEW NORFOLK_INSANE ASYLUM_TASMANIA POSTCARD_REAL PHOTO June 19, 2013 Want to purchase a piece of New Norfolk’s history containing rare image of the Clock Tower at (Hospital for the Insane) Willow Court, if so here your chance bit it ends TODAY 8:48pm. I haven’t seen one of these before! 1908 5 VIEWS OF NEW NORFOLK TASMANIA POSTCARD HOSPITAL OF THE INSANE, BRIDGE NEW NORFOLK RIVER DERWENT NEW NORFOLK CHURCH OF ENGLAND NEW NORFOLK NEW NORFOLK TOWNSHIP UNUSED CARD IS FADED, CORNER WEAR, GRUBBY BACK Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. RECENT POSTS Ashes to Ashes- Demolition of the RDH Chapel New Book- Royal Derwent Hospital The First Ten Years by Lyell Wilson Oval Wards Renovation Milestone Wow what a transformation- Ward C Airing Yard Federal Cash for Corumbene's Ward D & E redevelopment MORE FROM THIS AUTHOR