Contact Person Nick Jarvis

Frascati Clean up- update

A working bee took place on Sunday at Frascati. Unfortunately when they arrived several young people had bent the gate to get in and had torn a massive hole off the side of the house. The literally tore the boards off. They were standing on the 2nd story of the other ward, in the doorway, waiting for us to check out the damage. Such as Shame

 Unfortunately no clean up/repairs were done inside Frascati House as anticipated by some members, only outside ground work was conducted.

If you wish to become a volunteer or be part of the Friends of Frascati they are always welcoming new members. For more info please call the Derwent Valley Council on  62618500.

Also don’t forget about the up and coming Frascati Heritage Day on the 20/1/13 from 2-5pm.