Contact Person Nick Jarvis

New Tunnel Update (Old Banjos' Site)

The Derwent Valley Council are looking into the claims of the newly discovered Tunnel on the old Banjos site in High St New Norfolk.

If there is a structure down there the Council will propose to the owners that when the Flinders University Archaeologists come back later this year we will have them run their machines over it and take a look.

The fact there will be no permanent structure there will make it easy if the owner allows Council to dig it back up if needed.

There was a suggestion that it could be a cellar to one of the original buildings, but eye witness reports suggest otherwise at this stage.

Whatever the structure is, its quite fascinating and everyone agrees that its worth exploring and investigating.

Like always I will keep you posted.

Below is a photo of one of the original buildings above the site. It later became Palfreymans, Fitgeralds, Harris Scarfe, and finally Banjos before it was destroyed by fire in March 2012.  The clipping was taken from 1913.

fitzgeralds 1913

banjos fire