Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet


Salamanca Arts Centre have been given the keys to the Willow Court Barracks building this morning. Salamanca Arts plan to use the Barracks to hold community arts and events into the future with their first exhibition planned for sometime in February. To Read More please visit New Norfolk News https:

January 19, 2021

Today I take you for a brief tour around Willow Court in November 2008 starting with Frecsati. I remember this afternoon was a very peaceful, birds were singing in the background and it was getting pretty late in the afternoon. Frescati I talk a little bit about Frescati and some

March 30, 2020

Willow Court Barracks to be turned into arts hub after winning Derwent Valley Council approval BY FIONA BLACKWOOD 5 MINUTES AGO Direct Link ABC: https://mobile.abc.net.au/news/2019-06-21/willow-court-asylum-converted-into-artist-studio/11228708?pfmredir=sm&fbclid=IwAR2p6PFFTJ4gFZwSHX6ikc2vdshiv2oXaW3bFhvh2TecZFaoxqILKJRdPYQ Australia's first purpose-built mental asylum which operated continuously for more

June 21, 2019

Whilst preparing for the recent 2017 Halloween After Dark Tour I noticed a section of the Barracks was cornered off with witches hats and a sign. Upon further investigation I learnt that the guys at Flinders University are going to study a historic and unknown piece of graffiti. I remember

October 30, 2017

As some of you may be aware the old Willow Court sign that was on the side of the Barracks was stolen from the site several years ago and I have been trying to recover it ever since. Every once in a while I put the feelers out there to

May 02, 2017