Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet


Allonah- what a Ward! Earlier this day before the video you are about to watch, I stumbled across an open door leading into Allonah. Now this was a big deal for us. Allonah is a high security ward meaning its hard for anyone to get in or out and over

September 10, 2020

The thumbnail picture to this video always intrigued me. Never quite new what sort of animal it was and exactly how it met its demise. As you can see I was pretty happy to be able to access Ward 9 for the first time. There was still a lot of

August 18, 2020

One of the lesser known Wards in my opinion. I still have that bible at home. I forgot about that piece of paper about the military exercise, they were even using blank ammunition lol, How cool is that! Anyone know anyone of the 10/1/2000 Intake roster? When I

July 24, 2020

The infamous Ward 7, one of our personal favourites. Such a unique Ward with its Haha Wall and security like features similar to Ward 10. This Ward suffered a lot of Arson over the years and I'm surprised it wasn't destroyed by fire in the end.

June 17, 2020

Ward 4 was always a personal favourite Ward, I can't pin point the reason behind it now but I still remember it fondly. Ward 4, was probably one of the most graffiti'd wards on the RDH side. The powder blue, long, wide hallways with the checkered

May 20, 2020