Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet


The Royal Derwent Hospital The First 10 Years 1968 -1977. I think I first met Lyell at his house in 2013 when he first started working on his book. I went to his place to show him the ECT Machine that I had from Willow Court/Royal Derwent Hospital and

July 06, 2022

This video is relatively short compared to the others. Ward 11 was a red brick building unlike the white rendered wards close by. There was lots of paperwork strewn throughout this ward especially near the nurses quarters. There was also labels on cupboards with patient names and what seems to

August 28, 2020

Ward 4 was always a personal favourite Ward, I can't pin point the reason behind it now but I still remember it fondly. Ward 4, was probably one of the most graffiti'd wards on the RDH side. The powder blue, long, wide hallways with the checkered

May 20, 2020

Next video up in a short walk-through of Ward 3. The workers who went around marking the wards prior to demolition etc, marked the wards all wrong. We saved that chair along with another chair you will see at around 2:20min. It was placed in front of Ward C&

May 15, 2020

The next video is that start of a brief Ward by Ward walk-through before demolition of what I referred to at the time Royal Derwent Hospital (RDH). I really miss the RDH Wards. This pre-demolition video series takes place in early 2009. 11 years on the housing development on the

April 27, 2020