Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet


Well it’s been a very busy 2 weeks for APIU ever since the “Council Hires Real-life Ghost Hunters” piece aired on ABC News (TV) last Saturday Night (19/2/11). http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2011/02/22/3145449.htm?section=justin The wording of the News

March 08, 2011

Glenn Hevey a Lead Investigator and Co-founder of APIU was driving home from our regular Willow Court & Barracks Working Group Meeting at approx 8:40pm last night 3/3/11. As he was driving down the hill near the Lachlan River Bridge Glenn reported seeing a white haze but

March 04, 2011

The Derwent Valley Players are a small troupe of thespians – some have suggested “world class” thespians LOL! – based in New Norfolk, Tasmania, Australia. Our main base is the New Norfolk Memorial Hall in Circle Street, although we have made outdoor performances for the New Norfolk Autumn Festival, including night performances

September 06, 2010

Hi SIX Councillors last night endorsed a plan to negotiate the transfer of the whole of the Willow Court site back to the State Government. Council Vote  The Council accepted an amended motion from Councillor Bromfield as follows:  1.that Council negotiate with the Government to transfer the whole of

May 27, 2010

Hi I have been studying and researching Willow Court (WCC) and Royal Derwent Hospital (RDH) for a few years. I was born and grew up in New Norfolk and have always been around the site in some form. I find the site to be very intriguing and fascinating because of

May 27, 2010