Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet


Win 1 Double Pass to the 2017 Halloween After Dark Night Tour Willow Court COMPETITION TIME: We are excited to announce the chance for one lucky person to win a double pass (Valued at $180) to our upcoming Halloween History and Investigation Tour at the Willow Court Barracks Precinct on

September 28, 2017

ANNOUNCEMENT INCOMING: After Dark Night Tours are excited to announce our Halloween Investigation and History Tour at the Willow Court Barracks Precinct. Join the crew of After Dark Night Tours for a jam packed 7 hours of history and investigating at Australia's Oldest Mental Asylum. For your chance

September 26, 2017

Face of a Ghost? This is what Toby R from TASGANG Claims. I managed to talk to Toby who was the person who uploaded the footage on youtube. I initially asked him what was the reason they ran out of the building. I assumed it was because of the multiple

September 14, 2017

Timeline of Investigative Teams at Willow Court over the years ![alt](https://willowcourtproject.com/content/images/2017/08/Willow-Court-Investigative-Team-Timeline-1.png) I thought I would create a bit of a timeline surrounding some of the Paranormal Investigation Teams that have dabbled in investigating the various Willow Court and Royal Derwent Wards

August 24, 2017

Agrarian Kitchen Eatery and Store at Willow Court to open on June 17 SHAUN McMANUS, Mercury Pictures: Matt Thompson THE highly-anticipated Agrarian Kitchen Eatery and Store at Willow Court finally has an opening date — June 17. Rodney Dunn, who owns the Agrarian Kitchen with his wife Severine Demanet, is excited

June 07, 2017