Thought I would post on here to clear up some confusion and panic about the latest Real Estate news occurring in Willow Court, as it is a bit confusing. There seems to be two things happening here. One is the vendor is trying sell the Oval Wards through LJ Hooker.

If you notice anyone digging around Willow Court this weekend don't worry its the Dirty Weekend of Archaeology for Teachers. The Dirty Weekend of Archaeology for Teachers is three days of teacher professional learning, where participants are immersed in a real archaeological excavation. Teachers will be involved in

I was contacted recently from a lady stating that she had a Royal Derwent Hospital Electronic Convulsive Therapy (ECT) machine that she bought at Auction some time ago. She informed me that the Auction in which she bought it from labelled it as a ECT machine from Royal Derwent Hospital.

I had the great honour of buying this rare piece of Willow Court History this week from what I was told was a deceased estate in New Norfolk. The Auctioneer stated that a person representing the Estate brought it to Auction and knew that it had been sitting in the

Just a quick video to show everybody the progress of the Site of Reflection at Willow Court. Enjoy.