Abatement- suppression or termination: abatement of a nuisance; A new notice has been placed on the Oval Wards recently. The Derwent Valley Council has issued Mr Tony Ellis of Glenora II Pty an Abatement Notice under Section 199A of the Local Government Act 1993 Specifically cut the grass. Earlier this

Whilst preparing for the recent 2017 Halloween After Dark Tour I noticed a section of the Barracks was cornered off with witches hats and a sign. Upon further investigation I learnt that the guys at Flinders University are going to study a historic and unknown piece of graffiti. I remember

Would you like to learn about the Team Conducting the first ever Halloween Tour at the Willow Court Barracks Precinct? Well look no further than the bellow video. This will give you all the information you need to know about us and more.

TICKETS ON SALE! Be quick to avoid disappointment, they will sell out. To purchase tickets please clock on the link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/after-dark-night-tours-at-the-willow-court-barracks-precinct-tickets-38697247509utm_source=eb_email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=order_confirmation_email&utm_term=eventname&ref=eemailordconf