Nick Jarvis Share Share The end of Ward 8 July 10, 2010 Today the Developers started the demolition of Ward 8 – Royal Derwent Hospital. Thus far all the tiles have been stripped. I believe they will take the rest of the building possibly over the weekend or early next week. Ward 8 Types of Patients- Mixed sexes, age range was approx mid 30′s through to 60′s, Misc Ward Information- Lots of different problems; alcoholics, pedophiles, drug addicts, schizophrenics. A sad day for the Former RDH. I will upload a few pics shortly. Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. RECENT POSTS Ashes to Ashes- Demolition of the RDH Chapel New Book- Royal Derwent Hospital The First Ten Years by Lyell Wilson Oval Wards Renovation Milestone Wow what a transformation- Ward C Airing Yard Federal Cash for Corumbene's Ward D & E redevelopment MORE FROM THIS AUTHOR