Contact Person Nick Jarvis

Willow Court Restoration & Works Update

WCC Restoration

This will be a new section on my website so that I can keep the community up to date with all the restoration and works happening over in Willow Court, Exciting times!!

The Committee and Council have approved a project plan for the Barracks precinct, which involves works at the Barracks and Bronte (mainly dealing with the external envelope of each building, one wing of each building, and landscaping and fencing works to create a defined precinct).  This work should start ‘on the ground’ fairly soon.

  •  Specific details of the project plan are still being developed and discussed with stakeholders

  • Some elements of the proposed works will be subject to a development application through the DVC, which will provide an opportunity for public comment


Sadly during this time the site will be potentially even more inaccessible than it is now, as it will be a construction site with regulatory controls over access and the like.


Unfortunately we can’t have it both ways; hopefully we will still be able to have a few events on site during this period.