Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet


Set in November 2008 we explore Admin Building, Lachlan Ward and the Oval. You could have purchased the Admin Building back in 2008 for around $350,000. Mind you every window was broken and there was a fair amount of damage inside. I access Admin via the rear entrance. Sorry

April 01, 2020

Again this video takes place in 2008 and features Ward G and Frescati. With me this night was the Aiden, Glenn and Shaun it was probably one of our first explorations/investigations together. I was pretty fascinated with Ward G as it was very eerie ward. It was always pitch

March 27, 2020

The next instalment takes place back in Sep 2008 and walks through Ward E, Ward 5 and Ward 4. Title of the video wasn't great lol Ward E or Esperance 1936 I start at the bottom level facing the oval and walk up the stairs and into the

March 26, 2020
Contact Person Nick Jarvis

With the constant barrage of Corona Virus updates/news and the new social isolation measures, I thought re-posting my old Willow Court videos may be a small much needed daily distraction. I will post the first video this afternoon. Stay tuned

March 24, 2020