Announcing a big opportunity for someone to purchase their own slice of Royal Derwent/Willow Court. On offer is 3 new individual titles for sale via More Real Estate in Hobart. Buy 1 or all 3 the choice is yours. These 3 new listings compliment the Social Centre at 34

Thought I would post on here to clear up some confusion and panic about the latest Real Estate news occurring in Willow Court, as it is a bit confusing. There seems to be two things happening here. One is the vendor is trying sell the Oval Wards through LJ Hooker.

Large motel complex with adjoining recreational facilities For Sale, Freehold and Business $4,400,000 https://www.commercialrealestate.com.au/property/34-lower-road-new-norfolk-tas-7140-2013405863 Located in the beautiful rural township of New Norfolk, 32 kilometres north-west of Hobart. This large motel complex was originally built in 1961 as the nurses quarters for

The fences have been pulled down and a for sale sign erected in front of Ward E. I must say I'm very afraid for the condition and safety of the Wards now the fence has been pulled down. I think the fence should have stayed until the buildings