Today David Bromfield shared an image on the Our New Norfolk Facebook group that for me really signified that the Oval Ward renovation is really happening. You can't blame many of us being sceptical on restorations, renovations proposals etc at Willow Court because over the years many have

Work is well underway on the site of former Ward's F & G on the oval precinct of Willow Court. Both Ward F and G were lost to Arson attacks in 2012 and 2018. Corumbene is planning a $4.5 MILLION redevelopment of two derelict buildings on the

#####For more info on the development and plans please visit Newsnn at the below link: http://www.newsnn.net/2019/05/corumbenes-leap-of-faith.html

I have been told by a very reliable source that we are extremely close to unveiling some plans for the Oval Ward precinct. The source indicated that if it comes to fruition it will be a very positive reuse for the buildings. Stay tuned for more information.

Abatement- suppression or termination: abatement of a nuisance; A new notice has been placed on the Oval Wards recently. The Derwent Valley Council has issued Mr Tony Ellis of Glenora II Pty an Abatement Notice under Section 199A of the Local Government Act 1993 Specifically cut the grass. Earlier this