Large motel complex with adjoining recreational facilities For Sale, Freehold and Business $4,400,000 https://www.commercialrealestate.com.au/property/34-lower-road-new-norfolk-tas-7140-2013405863 Located in the beautiful rural township of New Norfolk, 32 kilometres north-west of Hobart. This large motel complex was originally built in 1961 as the nurses quarters for

Today I was given 3 Lachlan Park Hospital brass buttons someone found in a charity shop for a ridiculously low price. The buttons would date to the late 1930s. The buttons were made by Stokes & Sons Melb. The lady has a few other buttons she is keeping hold for

I found this on Gumtree today. I spoke with the gentleman who informed me that he and his father had a contract to remove certain parts off the buildings about 15 years ago. These were from either Ward 10 or 7. Vintage / antique all brass and copper searchlight. Has protective

Willow Court Project facebook page was abuzz this afternoon with a photo uploaded by Melissa Joan Pearson and captured by Kane Jackson on the 19/4/17 in what appears to be a window of Ward 10 Royal Derwent Hospital a former high security Ward. Whilst it’s most likely

Today on Under the Microscope, we are going to delve deeper into the MEDIA tab. If you hover over the MEDIA tab at the top of the page it will bring up several options; Documents, Audio, and Video. We are going to look at what’s hiding in the VIDEO