Willow Court Project

The original home of Willow Court on the internet


The next video is that start of a brief Ward by Ward walk-through before demolition of what I referred to at the time Royal Derwent Hospital (RDH). I really miss the RDH Wards. This pre-demolition video series takes place in early 2009. 11 years on the housing development on the

April 27, 2020

This video a walk through the ground starting on the oval, behind Ward G then on to Frescati. Ward 2 The next Ward I explored was Ward 2, found it interesting how they had almost hospital ward dorms with curtains between each bed, and a sink and mirror at the

March 25, 2020

This was my first ever youtube video way back in 2008. Crazy seeing how far technology has come. I was using fairly high end camera and video software but by today standards it looks like I filmed it using a potato. Ward 2 I remember trying to read the plaque

March 24, 2020

I found a Waratah sign outside Ward 2 on the 26 April 2009 a pile of cleaned up rubbish and was always of the opinion that they must have named the wings on Ward 2 with a name such as Waratah. Well here is some proof to my theory. To

May 02, 2011