Today on Under the Microscope, we are going to jump across to the next tab on the menu MEDIA. If you hover over the MEDIA tab at the top of the page it will bring up several options; Documents, Audio, and Video. We are going to look at what’s

Next on Under the Microscope is the section under the History tab called Stories and Experiences. This section is a small collection of stories that have been sent to me from people who lived or worked in Willow Court and have given me their permission to share. Granted this section

Today on Under the Microscope we are going to look at a segment that teaches you a little bit about some of the Wards that were lost due to demolition which I'm sure most people did not know existed. A quick look at some of the absolutely beautiful

Under the Microscope- Willow Court Project Let’s kick this segment off with a quick look of what is hiding under the History tab of the website starting with Ward descriptions. Ever wanted to know the name of the Ward you are looking at, or when it was built etc.

This video by friend and colleague David Condon shows a very rare view of the site from up in the air. The video is a very useful learning tool as it helps people get a better understanding of where all the wards are situated on the site as a whole.