Under the Microscope- Willow Court Project (Maps & Plans)

Today on Under the Microscope, we are going to jump across to the next tab on the menu MEDIA.

If you hover over the MEDIA tab at the top of the page it will bring up several options; Documents, Audio, and Video.

We are going to look at what’s hiding in the Document section over the next few days, starting with MAPS & PLANS.

MAPS & PLANS is a very handy section, as I often get asked do you have a map, or what’s the ward next to the oval called etc.

These Maps help people clearly identify the buildings and where they are situated on site. There are maps for the Willow Court side and Royal Derwent side.


The section also has some Plans, such as a building plan for Frescati. Plans are hard to come by and give a unique view point of the Wards and site itself.

Have a browse of the Maps & Plans in the Document section of the website or for the direct link please click here: https://willowcourtproject.com/documents/